速報APP / 健康塑身 / Illusion Trails

Illusion Trails





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2370 Pemberton Street Oviedo, FL 32765 USA

Illusion Trails(圖1)-速報App

Illusion Trails is a hiking simulator app that is sent from your phone to your TV. The movement of your arm while you exercise creates an animated visual of a hike down a trail that is then sent to your TV. A number of different hiking worlds are available. Each world is a distinctive and pleasant 3D environment with a series of paths that intersect in unusual and varied ways.

Illusion Trails(圖2)-速報App

Each physical step that you take, moves the phone in the armband. The phone movement creates the animation of moving down the path like typical real-world hiking. You are automatically kept on the trail and no steering is necessary. If you stop moving, the phone stops and the path movement stops. Start walking again and movement in the environment begins again. To select a path to the left or right, you just reach up and tap the left or right end of the phone. To turn around on the path, simply touch the phone twice. There is no need to look at the phone screen during the hike. The video speed matches the walking, jogging or pedaling speed. Your phone is still operates normally and you are able to play music and send and receive texts and calls.

Illusion Trails(圖3)-速報App

No exercise equipment is necessary. You could walk in place in front of the TV, however, practically any piece of exercise equipment can be used as long as there is arm movement. Illusion Trails is a great way to make exercising much more interesting and goal-oriented. Unlike video games it isn’t directed towards a specific gender, age or fitness level. Even those with walking disabilities like wounded warriors can use Illusion Trails on a rowing machine.

Illusion Trails(圖4)-速報App

Illusion Trails comes with a tropical Island, but new worlds will be constantly added. Each world will be a distinctive and pleasant 3D environment, much like a realistic game environment but, without weapons and villains. The object of Illusion Trails is to challenge yourself. Push yourself, get fit and burn calories while enjoying the amazing landscape laid out in front of you. To help motivate you, each World is filled with features from wonderful and interesting places. There will also be fantasy worlds that come directly from the creative minds of environmental artists. The worlds will include paths in the canopy, down miles of tree limbs, across the bottom of the ocean, skinny mountain cliff paths, etc. You can stop, save a position and continue at a later time, but you will not be able to “beam” to anywhere you want. Just like real life, you will have to walk the walk and earn the right to see what waits on the other side of the mountain.

Illusion Trails(圖5)-速報App

Each world will be unique but, there will be some common characteristics:

Illusion Trails(圖6)-速報App

1. Positive Envornments. Beautiful days with occasional sunrises and sunsets.

Illusion Trails(圖7)-速報App

2. Many Virtual Worlds. Mountains, beaches, tropical forests, deserts, river canyons, swamps, fantasy worlds etc.

3. Animated Animals. In the sky, in the water and off the trail.

4. Animated Features - Waterfalls, ocean waves and trees blown by the wind.

Illusion Trails isn’t all fun and adventure. Like most fitness apps, Illusion Trails calculates your speed, distance and calories. You have the option of displaying the information onscreen or not. You also have the option of using a default male or female profile or customizing your profile to match your actual sex, height, weight and age for more accurate display information.